August 27, 2010


In theory, this shall be a blog about my adventures making cakes, both past and present, but hopefully mostly present. It might also include comments on tv shows about cakes, reviews of cakes I have eaten out and about, cake tools, etc. etc. etc.

Knowing, as I do, that I am not the most together person about putting virtual pen to virtual paper, I am not guaranteeing any sort of consistent updating schedule. Some days I barely have time to make cake, much less post photos and write about it. However, when I do, I promise to try and be as clear and full of description as I can about the techniques I'm using and how they are (and are not) working for me.

My cake background is this -- I grew up with a mom who made and decorated cakes, but didn't really teach me how to do it. I picked it up again later in life -- starting out by just winging it, and then taking a class or two (I still would like to take a few more). A lot of the techniques I've done (fondant, rice krispie modeling, chocolate painting, etc) are things I've said "hey, let's see what happens here", so I'm coming from a non-professional experimental background. Which is not to say that I haven't sold cakes in the past, and won't do so in the future. I'm just, for the time being, replacing my site aimed at selling cake with a site aimed at talking about cake (and possibly selling it as time permits) because I have not had the time to fully devote to making it happen.

I've done Threadcakes twice now -- the first year it was so bad I did not even submit, and this year's entry can be found here. I'm still waiting to hear on the judging but am reasonably certain it won't be me winning this year, and that's okay.

Feel free to ask questions, comment, brag about your own cakes, etc. There's room for everyone at the decorating table.

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